
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Living with a Purpose

Who doesn't love the start of a New Year? It feels like when I would get excited to go back to school because all of my notebooks were fresh and unused and my school supplies were just waiting for the first assignment! I am not a big fan of NYE, I actually loathe the holiday. It has been a day of bad luck for me for many years, but that is another post! ha
So back to the point, I love a New Year and a Clean Slate. For some reason this year I am very intentional in what I want for 2014. I realize that some things are out of my control but the things that are in control I want to be living with a purpose. That is my theme for 2014 (and yes, that rhymed!)
Matthew 14:8 said about Mary "she did what she could" that verse has stuck with me for months. I have a lot of grandios plans, big ideas that always get swept to the wayside for one reason or another. What I have realized is that when I think "go big or go home" what actually happens is NOTHING. For example, I love to do service work but sometimes I think I have to move mountains or start a charity and then I end up not giving back at all. When I heard "she did what she could" it hit me like a ton of bricks. I am a full time working mom of three kids and a wife. What I "can do" right now is limited but that doesn't mean that I can't do something! I don't know if any of this makes sense to you but I am fired up about it! ha ha
I am kind of following suit by not making resolutions but rather having goals and living more intentionally and with a purpose this year....
Some of the things I would like to set goals for are:
Growing my relationship with God and reading the bible more
Making Health and Fitness a HUGE part of our entire family, we have already started for about 2 months and can see huge changes!
I want to make more time for Tex and I. Quality one on one time where we actually talk and share and dream. With little kids sometimes your thinker is exhausted by the end of the night and we just stare at the tv or some form of social media and I want us to grow together!
I want to do things I love! I love to do crafts, make things, needlepoint, even. Just because I am a mom and work doesn't mean that I can't do things anymore that I LOVE.
I want to make some new connections and really focus on connecting with old friends as well. I thrive on connections with other people, girlfriends. I want to be better at nurturing those relationships!
I want to find ways to give back more and share with my children the importance of giving back. We did some things this year that deeply impacted my life and tried to get the kids involved. The sort of "got" it in a way but they are still young and I know in the coming years they will start to really understand the importance of giving back.
I want to travel more. It doesn't have to be big exotic trips but rather a road trip here or there with or without the children. Experience new places and things!
I want to find what my strengths are this year, really dig in and find out more about myself, what I really like and what I don't. It is sad but at 33 sometimes I don't know if my opinions were formed by others or are they are true to myself?
And lastly, I want to be a more patient and present mom. I rush thru so many days and I want to stop and take in moments with my children and appreciate even the most chaotic of days. I know this is easier said than done but I want to be more hands on and do activities and visit places with them. I want to grow their little minds while being a family.
I know it seems like a lot. There are going to be many days where I fail miserably probably at every one of these but as long as I do better than the day before eventually I will get there!
Here's to 2014!!! 

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