Wow!~ I cant believe how happy being back to blogging makes me. You see I kind of lost a little of myself this past year. As most moms do we are asked and expected to be pulled in a million directions and sometimes we lose site of what was important to us. Some days just my to do list overwhelmed me so much that I forgot to remember what filled my cup, what fueled my passion. That my friends is not a fun place to be and it took a lot of reflection, prayer and questions to find out what I wanted from this thing called life. To be honest I have let the comparison thief take away more time from me that I would ever care to admit. I have prayed wondering what is wrong with me that sometimes I have a hard time seeing the blessings that are right in front of me and spend more time thinking about what I am missing.
I realized that for me I have to ask God every day to do his will and to make me an instrument of His Peace. I have to commit to waking up everyday and deciding the person I am going to be with the help of God. I tend to make life so much more complicated than it is. For me this next year is going to really be about simplifying. I want to focus on experiences rather than "stuff". I want to make memories that the kids will tell their kids. I want to always be an example of someone who is so far from perfect but with the Grace of God has overcome and will remain faithful. I want to be KIND. Oh goodness I want to be kind, kind to myself, kind to my children, kind to my husband, family, the stranger in the aisle at Walmart. I want to finally allow myself to be the person I am with all of my imperfections and sin. I want to live freely everyday~!
I certainly didn't mean to get this deep on my first post back :) I hate that I missed a year and a half of blogging but that is ok. I am doing this for our family so that when time has dimmed our memories and my babies are no longer babies but having their own babies we can all sit around and pour over these memories that we made together!