
Thursday, March 6, 2008

All about Palmer....

I am giving blogging another shot!!! Sara Floyd I hope this makes you happy! This is mainly so everyone can keep up with the Templeton's and more importantly the ever-changing Palmer!

He is now 9 months and 13 days old. Can that be possible? He is the light of our lives and is constantly changing and discovery something new on a daily basis!! He crawls at the speed of light and has now mastered walking around the coffee table and can get from the coffee table to the couch. He has the biggest heart and a comedic personality. He loves to dance, eat puffs, and annoy Molly. I love the person he is becoming. He is sensitive, strong, outgoing and has the funniest sense of humour.
We have a special bond, he is like my best friend that laughs at all my jokes. He thinks I am hilarious when no one else does. He gets me, and let's me be crazy and fun. He brings out a side of me that few rarely see. When I stare at him sleeping (which is most every night) I am amazed... amazed that he's mine, amazed that he has so many qualities from both Tex and I (good and bad), amazed that we created something so perfect.
Tex is an amazing dad. Funny though that he is more of the worrier. I thought I would be the worrier for sure. He worries about him eating puffs, worries about him eating table food, worries about me throwing him up in the air, worries that him and Molly will never be friends. He worries because he loves Palmer with everything he has. It is one of the greatest joys I have found to watch him with Palmer together, he has turned into an incredible father and I have seen a new side of him since Palmer was born. A more cautious side that he is now living his life for someone else.
I am going to make a true effort to keep this blog going :) I invite you to take a seat and enjoy the ride that we call our life. It is bumpy and it hurts sometimes but we have lots of fun and lots of love!


KMoody said...

Yippie! I am glad you are doing this. I know we both try our best to travel and visit as much as we can but this is great to have when we go a bit without getting to visit. Love it! Love ya'll!

KMoody said...

Can you put more than one picture on here? Just curious

sara said...

I can't believe I am commenting since you NEVER comment on my page....but, anyway...I like your new blog! Keep it up. We love getting Palmer updates. I take it your membership from the SM Club has been revoked???