My Dearest Palmer,
Where do I even begin? I find myself laughing out loud over the last year of your life. You have evolved into this mega personality full of spunk, stuborness, quarkiness, hilarity and so much more! You are complicated yet so simple in your demands. You are absolutley hilarious but yet so serious about certain things. You have more quarks than even I do and I love each of them however outrageous and frustrating they may seem at the time.
I have said it before I am afraid I will say it many times over the years you got my personality my friend :) The good and the bad and everything in between! You have a full on swagger every time you walk and you are most comfortable with your baseball cap on backwards and your sunglasses on upside down. I think you like to have a "look" about you.
You LOVE your movies and are very opiniated when it comes to picking them out based on what mood you are in. Your favs right now are Happy Feet, Alvin and the Chimpunks Christmas and CARS!!! You are beyond obsessed with cars, motorcycles, trains, etc... to the point you sleep with about 10 in your bed each night.
You LOVE milk and would drink it all day every day if we let you. Your eating habits are less predictable and while sometimes you will eat a hearty meal most of the time you are a "snacker" like your neenie and love chips and pretzels and grazing in general. I am not that mom that makes you eat everything on your plate which is a good thing for you or you would spend hours in your high chair!
You have started talking SO much in the last 2 weeks! You say mommy probably 150 times a day but I still LOVE it! Your vocabulary increases everyday it is amazing! Right now you are like a little parrot and repeat most anything you hear! You refuse to talk in front of the people we want you to talk in front of (i.e. the grandparents who think you don't talk :) but when you are around mommy and daddy you don't stop talking!
You already have this unexplainable connection with Ann Mason. Your eyes light up the minute you see her and every noise or move she makes is the most amazing thing to you. You laugh at her and she laughs at you everyday. I hope you all are so close growing up. You need to always protect her and be there for her even when she annoys you!
You love your family and nothing makes you happier than to be at home playing with your daddy in the backyard. Your dad by the way is your biggest fan and you are going to grow up thinking you are SO funny because he laughs uncontrollably at you ALL of the time! He thinks everything you do is "spit out your drink" kind of funny! :)
You have changed our lives from the minute you were born at 10:15 on May 22nd, 2007 and we will never be the same! It is so fun to watch you grow and evolve into this independent and funny little boy that has this flare for life! We love you more than you will ever know and we are SO proud of you. Happy Birthday Palmer may your second year of life be GRAND!
Friday Favorites
2 days ago