Ok, So I have read my posts for the last few weeks and boy, WHAT A DRAG!! I am sorry! I have been thru some major thought provoking and emotional stuff and I guess it poured out on the pages of my blog! I vow for a whole WEEK to have nothing but HAPPY posts!!!
As always I have to throw some quotes out there...
"You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation"
"Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."
"Happiness is contagious...when you reflect happiness, then all others around you catch the happy bug and are happy, too."
"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes"
I just LOVE quotes!!!~.... So, what are you happy for? What makes you tick? It is so easy to dwell on the negatives and it is much easier sometimes to complain rather than to compliment! So, today I am going to give a list of things that make me happy!!!
Blake's HAPPY LIST! (How cheesy :)
1. Of course God, Family, and Friends duh? Those are a no brainer!!!
2. This morning Palmer made me happy because he points to the stuffed animal that he wants and proceeds to carry them around all morning like they are his buddies! His first sort of attachment to anything! (I know I am crazy for wanting him to be attached to something!)
3. Palmer also makes me happy when on the nights I work late I get him out of bed to rock him and just look at him and he will ever so gently open one eye and smile at me and fall back into a deep sleep!! Oh I can't even stand it, it melts my heart!
4. I am happy that my husband is nice and puts up with me the good, bad, and ugly!
5. I am HAPPY THAT TODAY IS FRIDAY!!!! And we get to stay here this weekend!
6. I am happy to say that I haven't had a drink in 19 days!!!! That makes me really happy!
7. I am happy that SO many of my greatest friends have been blessed with the ability to get pregnant and are getting to enjoy the miracle of carrying a baby in their bellies!!! ( I dream of the days of kids running around everywhere!)
8. I am happy to have a loving mother in law that is at my house currently, that drove 2 hours to watch Palmer today (he is running a fever) so that Tex and I don't get fired from our jobs! :)
9. I am SO HAPPY to be going on an actual "date night" with Tex tonight to our fav restaurant and then maybe if we are lucky to the $1 movies!!
10. I am so happy that when I am anxious and can't sleep at night that I can pray to God and he doesn't get upset when I get really off track!! :)
11. I am happy that their are brillant writers that allow me to read their books and for a moment pour myself into those characters and their lives and sometimes forget about mine :)
12. I am SO happy to have met my friend Erin D.... She has been awesome throughout the last couple of weeks I couldn't do it without her!
13. And lastly I guess I am just happy that I am happy today and having a good day!!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT and HAPPY weekend!!!
PS I am starting on steroids today (long story but I went for an allergy appointment yesterday and apparently there is NOTHING that I am NOT allergic too... so that means a rapid amount of shots for the next 4 weeks and steroids, epi pens, 5 prescribtions, etc...)
So they told me that I might be a little more bloated than usual (great! My tummy already looks like I carry around 2 gallons of water in it!) I might be hungrier than usual (Are you serious? Is that possible) , that I might be more irritable (oh great I thought my PMS this week was taking the cake but I guess I have more fun moods to look forward to), and lastly I might be more wired than usual (even better I haven't been able to sleep for 19 nights so this should make for a really intersting night shift! Maybe I can get some stuff done around the house :) Check back in on Monday after a weekend with the roids to see how "happy" I am! haha Tex is scared to death!
Best of Sales!
4 hours ago
1 comment:
I love this post! I'm in a happy mood today too! I am also hyper today!!! Glad we are both in such good moods today, although you and I can both be extremely annoying to others when we are so happy and hyper....hee, hee!
love ya!
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