
Friday, October 29, 2010


I realize that there is A LOT of technology out there that I don't even have a clue about! ha! I feel like I am somewhat tech savy at least at my job and getting around the internet, etc... but Tex and I aren't the people that own iphones, ipads, mac computers (even though I would love some of those :) but last night I FINALLY got up my Skype account.

Skype is a free place where you can video call family and friends that are skype members and talk thru your laptops while looking at each other! I realize that Skype has been around for ages but it is new to the Templeton household! ha!

We got to Skype my mom and Scott last night and it was GREAT! Palmer didn't have much interest in it because he was too busy watching his movies but Ann Mason was in AWE, it was hilarious. Mom and Scott sat there and talked to her forever and she would high five them and give them kisses right on the computer screen.

At one point my mom took the laptop out to my 85 year old Papaw so that we could say hi and that had to be THE most hilarious thing! He was so funny and talking but he couldn't figure out how in the world we were doing this, he kept asking how we were on there and where we were?? I can't imagine being 85 and how confusing and amazing all of this new technology is, I am 30 and it is crazy for me!

For anyone that has family or friends that isn't close this is perfect! We've already set a date  to video call on Halloween so that mom can see the kids before trick or treating! I can't wait to skype everyone I know, BEWARE! haha

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