
Thursday, February 2, 2012

11 weeks!

I am 11 weeks today!!! Sooo much closer to that second trimester and I couldn't be more happy! This pregnancy I have had to take a progesterone supplement and I honestly can't say if it is the supplement of just the first trimester but I feel like my symptoms have been worse in this pregnancy but maybe I don't fully remember the other ones either (funny how we forget the bad parts! ha!) I wouldn't trade it for the world but I am also going to be SO glad to say goodbye to this exhaustion, vomiting and not being able to go to the bathroom! (I know TMI but seriously that has been the worst thing this whole 11 weeks! You would die at the lengths I have gone to try and make things "regular"!) :)

I am also blaming the extra hormones for looking like someone just stuck a water hose in me and filled me up with water, terrible! :) I DO remember always feeling not-so-cute during these first 12 weeks, I think that is standard for most preggos!

I know I promised belly pics, but I am tending to be a bit picky and not liking them! ha! So, here is our facebook "announcement" from last week. I wanted a cute way to announce #3 and Donald helped us out in a BIG way. I love this picture!

11 Weeks:
My Favorite Thing this Week: Every day when I come home Ann Mason rushes to me and lifts up my shirt and just buries her head in my belly and kisses and talks to the baby! She asks how her day was, if she is cold, tells her she loves her (ok notice that I am using "her" Ann Mason refuses to believe it could be anything but a girl!) This by far brings tears to my eyes everyday!
My Least Favorite Thing this Week: Probably getting sick and needing to go to bed at 7:50!
What I am missing: I know it is probably SO good for me but I am missing the LARGE amounts of caffeine that I took in pre-pregnancy! That is my vice and I miss it dearly! I still drink a small amount in moderation.
What I am loving: My lemon 7up cake from the post below! haha It has helped me get thru the week!
What I am wearing: I am sporting my bella band right now. I hate that I have to wear it at 11 weeks but that is how things are going at this point :) I just need to embrace it rather than be so worried about it happening to fast!

I did all of my blood work and other exams yesterday. Next Wednesday I go to the doctor to hear the heartbeat, I seriously can't wait! This 6 week wait has been hard! They did schedule my gender ultrasound for April 11th which seems like eons away and I will already be 21 weeks, I must discuss this further and try and get it pushed up :)

For the most part things are going smoothly and I am grateful to be able to experience this miracle again sickness and all :)

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