I am so glad that today is Thursday and I have so much to be thankful for!!! Thanks for everyone that kept our family in your prayers, it means more than you know!!
**** First off we finally heard Baby T #2's heartbeat!!!! The appt was a little nervracking.... We went in to hear the heartbeat and as many of you who have been in that situation know that when they put the doppler on your tummy and move it around it seems like FOREVER until you finally hear the heartbeat. Well, they couldn't hear it and they were pressing (hard for that matter) all around and no heartbeat. So, they sent me to the ultrasound tech where she put the ultrasound doppler on me and still nothing. At this point I know that my face was drained and I was full of fear. After about 5-6 minutes of roaming around the tech finally spotted the tiniest little thing moving! We still couldn't hear the heartbeat though... so the dr came in and informed me that I have a titled cervix now and that little baby T was being a funny guy and hiding behind it! We should have known? So, with some more prodding they were able to let us hear the heartbeat for about 1 second. That one second was great though! I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound on a more sensitive machine so I am hoping that some of my nerves will be calmed by seeing baby T for a second time!!!!
**** I know I haven't mentioned it for a while but I am still attending my AA meetings weekly. I LOVE my meetings more than anything and I am always so excited to go. I have met so many great people including Erin one of my friends from AA, so we go every Monday to dinner and to our meeting! These people are truly like a second family and it is so refreshing just to be with them even if it is just for that one hour. So today Aug 7th marks my 60th day of sobriety. I will get my token at next weeks meeting! I am hoping that by going every week it will help give me the tools I need to suceed even after having baby T #2 and follow me througout my life. What a wonderful program and what a wonderful gift it has been to me and my family!
****My nana did not have to be admitted into the hospital. So we are very thankful for that! My mom and her sisters are now working on getting her some home healthcare to help her with everyday things that are becoming more difficult! Nannie's a trooper and I know she will pull thru this!
**** My mom is going to pick up Palmer from daycare as we speak! I am SO thankful she was able to pull away for a little while and spend some time with her favorite grandson! :) They will both enjoy their time together soooo much!
***** And lastly I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday and that the weather is B-E-A-Utiful outside!!! HOORAY! It is hard to be in a bad mood on a day like today!
Best of Sales!
5 hours ago
Great post! Congrats on 60 days sober! That is a huge accomplishment, and I am so proud of you! I can't wait to find out the sex of baby #2!
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