As I laid in bed last night I was once again overwhelmed with life. I was overwhelmed with trying to FINALLY get Ann Mason to sleep in her crib, I was overwhelmed about going back to work and worst of all I was really overwhelmed that I had to clean the entire house for our showing today, a house that look like a tornado had hit every room! I really was in the mood to have a pity party for myself and kept thinking poor pitiful me that is SO much to do, how will I ever get it done, etc... So, I started to do what I do best lately pray and then it hit me!
I GET to clean my house! I GET to clean my house, my house that provides a roof over my head. A house that millions of Americans right now have lost or are losing.
I GET to clean my house because Tex got a new and wonderful job! A job that is going to help provide for our family in a time where just keeping your job is a luxury.
I GET to clean my house because I have a wonderful husband and 2 fabulous kids that make this house a home with all of their stuff and toys!!!!
I GET to clean this house because I have been blessed! So, as I drifted off to sleep I realized that GETTING to clean my house didn't sound all that bad!
Friday Favorites
2 days ago