
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Old Wives Tales...Boy or Girl?


So... I have been trying to figure out ANY reason for the sever moodiness of my 1st trimester and ran across some really interesting Wives Tales. I always love to read these even though I know there is not a lot of merritt behind them. And come on I mean you have a 50/50 chance anyways right? So here goes a few of my favorites that I have read so far and based on these wives tales what I would be having! Let me know if these worked for you!
From Renee' . . . We told our UltraSound technician that we don't want to know in advance, but that we're having fun guessing. She told us to take a poll among 5-year old children. She says their accuracy is uncanny. If you can't trust the US Technician, who can you trust?!
(Well I have had a lot of 4 and 5 year old neices "predict" a girl, they also like to tell me what I should name "her")
From Beth . . . Here's another one for you... I found this when I was preparing my sister-in-law's shower. The Mayans determined the sex of the baby by taking the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception. If both are even or both are's a girl. If one is even and one odd it's a boy. This worked for most everyone in the group. I have tried it several places
(This means it would be a boy! Concieved at 27, Year 2008)
From Sheri . . . I am five months pregnant with my third child. I have two boys, and I carried them both differently. Trevor was low and all out front. Jacob was in the middle and wide. The one thing that I had in common while pregnant with both boys was I loved being pregnant. I was barely sick and never moody. I loved it. This time, my third, I am 22 weeks along and still sick. I am so moody that I could cry at a comedy if I wanted to. I am tired and not enjoying this pregnancy at all. I have heard that if you are sick more and moody, it is a girl. We hope so, but only time will tell.
(If the crying and moodiness are any indicator then it would be a girl!)
From Johna . . . I heard that if the mother-to-be trips or falls over her own feet during pregnancy, it's a boy. If the mother is graceful, it will be a girl. I don't see how it's true since my mother has two girls and one boy, and she tripped with the girls only
(This made me laugh out loud! When we were in Brown Co. Poor Lindsey Prather took a dive and tripped over her feet and landed flat on the sidewalk! I know it is not funny when someone falls but this fall was so dramatic it was hard not to laugh and lo and behold Lindsey is having a BOY!!! As everyone knows I have NEVER been graceful so again if this is true it's a BOY!)
From Debbie . . . After a week camping with my 76 year old grandmother she told me she knew I was going to have a girl for this reason: when a woman is pregnant with a girl she will be crabby (to put it nicely) because all women are crabs and if you have one inside you are twice so. If you are pregnant with a boy you are happy and smiling because you have a little peter inside you for 9 months (her exact words)! She cracked me up she was embarrassed while she told it.
That is hilarious! I love old people! Time will tell! I just need an excuse for the moodiness! :)

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